And when Betts was abducted, his shock at what had happened to him while he was unconscious was profound.

Not afraid to kill to achieve their own ends, the body count was rising.

But there was much worse to come in the form of the criminals who had controlled the drug run and Mitch. He was arrested on arrival in the city…ĭetective Betts was surprised by what he saw in front of him – a young man with no prior convictions, even a pillar of society but when he discovered the “why” he understood to a degree. But on the flight back everything went wrong – he tried to dull the pain of the surgery with alcohol – the results were disastrous. Mitch was desperate to help his nephew Peter who was dying from an aggressive form of leukaemia – becoming a drug mule meant the payment would be high the drugs needed for Peter were priced out of their reach so Mitch thought this was the best way.