Importance: This quote is an example of how Aidoo’s narrative voice works in Our Sister Killjoy by using surprising juxtapositions and turns of thought. Sissie 's name is an indication that her character and personality has been formed in a community. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. The academic-pseudo-intellectual version is even more dangerous, who, in the face of reality that is more tangible than the massive walls of the slave forts standing along our beaches, still talks of universal truth, universal art, universal literature and the Gross National Product." This research work, entitled Gender Deconstruction in Our Sister Killjoy by Ama Ata Aidoo, set out to investigate why women are victimized, marginalized and silenced by their male counterparts, cultural and patriarchal norms of the society and what the New Woman does to liberate herself. These notes were contributed by members of the GradeSaver community.

It reflects her ability to impersonate the voice of the First World, which has indeed benefited in the postcolonial era. While Achebe’s observation that things are falling apart is earnest, Aidoo’s observation that “Things are working out” is sarcastic. Importance: This quote, featured at the beginning of the novel, is a play on Chinua Achebe’s famously titled novel, Things Fall Apart, about the destructive impact of colonialism on an Igbo village in Nigeria. Things are working out…towards their dazzling conclusions…”